
Slim Aarons

Discover Slim Aarons' bestselling prints — a window to a bygone era of luxury and beauty. Aarons captured the world's wealthy, privileged, and talented, showcasing 'attractive people doing attractive things in attractive places.' Explore iconic images like 'Poolside Gossip,' taken in 1970 at the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs, which have become a symbol of modernism along with other bestsellers such as ´Keep Your Cool’ and ‘Dining Al Fresco On Capri´.
Slim Aarons
Discover Slim Aarons' bestselling prints — a window to a bygone era of luxury and beauty. Aarons captured the world's wealthy, privileged, and talented, showcasing 'attractive people doing attractive things in attractive places.' Explore iconic images like 'Poolside Gossip,' taken in 1970 at the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs, which have become a symbol of modernism along with other bestsellers such as ´Keep Your Cool’ and ‘Dining Al Fresco On Capri´.
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